"Ways Of Doing Things"

"You have to know when to buy and sell. You have to work hard, be honest, keep your word. A good reputation is very hard to come by. You have to earn it. And a bad reputation can never be gotten rid of. You never know who's going to be spreading the word about you so I try to treat everyone as nicely as I can and as fairly as I can -- and I've never knowingly broken my word." -- Jerry Reinsdorf, July, 2000

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

An Open Letter to Chicago Magazine

In the December issue, Chicago Magazine published a letter (pp. 13-14) signed by the Vice President of Communications with the Chicago White Sox, Scott Reifert.

Mr. Reifert's letter was in response to Dirk Johnson's fine article "Press Boxing" (October), a profile of the Chicago Sun-Times's sports columnist, Jay Mariotti, during his recent Summer of Love around Chicago.

In his letter, Mr. Reifert continued his boss's vendetta against Mr. Mariotti.

"We feel pretty confident most of the public sees through Mr. Mariotti's arrogance and bluster," Mr. Reifert wrote. "Too bad Mr. Johnson did not."

We, however, believe that actions speak louder than words. And insofar as the vices of arrogance and bluster (and worse) are concerned, Mr. Mariotti's words do not remotely compare to Mr. Reinsdorf's actions--including "merciless bullying" and "intimidation tactics" betraying a "level of avarice" and "unrelenting arrogance" that Ralph Nader once called "simply offensive." (Open Letter to Allan H. Selig and Jerry Reinsdorf, December 17, 2004.)

Mr. Mariotti is a writer, after all. Mr. Reifert's boss, on the other hand, is a mover and a shaker--and in this role, ranks among the chief financial predators of Sports USA. “The Toughest #&?!%* in Sports” (Business Week, June 15, 1992).

For the sake of the record, then, we highly recommend the following audiolink: "Jerry Reinsdorf on Ozzie vs. Mariotti" (Un-Cut, WBBM Radio, June 22, 2006). It was recorded last summer, during the period when the White Sox' manager was calling Mr. Mariotti a "fag."

Perhaps Chicago Magazine might even do us the favor of forwarding this audiolink along to Dirk Johnson?

Thanks. And take care.

Respectfully Yours,

"Ways Of Doing Things" -- A collective dedicated to keeping fans focused on the worst financial predators running--and ruining--Sports USA.